Sports Day And Parachute Party Activities
Sports Day And Parachute Party Activities
You do not have to be sports mad to enjoy the high-energy fun of our Sports Day and Parachute Party. Both boys and girls from 3 – 8 years will love the simplicity and excitement of running a race, tossing a bean bag, pulling a tug of war rope or wiggling a brightly coloured parachute!
Please note: for 3rd birthdays we recommend parental assistance for some parts of the party.
Ball Under Legs Race
The children at the front of the line pass a ball under their legs to the person behind them, who then does the same thing until the ball reaches the back of the line. The children at the back then quickly race with the ball to the front of the line to start all over again!
For ages: 3 – 6 years.
Bean Bag Balancing Race
A running race is all about speed and trying to reach the finish line before your opponent. However, things are a lot more fun and interesting when you are trying to do that whilst balancing a bean bag on your head!
For ages: 3 – 8 years.

Bean Bag Toss
A sports day classic that tests the children’s hand to eye coordination by having to toss 3 bean bags into 3 different hula-hoops spaced out in front of them.
For ages: 3 – 8 years.
Bouncy Hopper Race
On your marks… get set… bounce! The children will love bouncing (and giggling) their way to the finish line on fun bouncy hoppers!
For ages: 3 – 8 years.
Cone Flip Race
The children need to be quick to flip in this race of speed and precision. Whilst racing to tag their teammate, the children need to flip over the row of cones in front of them. Once tagged, their teammate then has to race back whilst flipping the cones back to their original position.
For ages: 5 – 8 years.
Egg And Spoon Race
The quintessential sports day race! Why do we all love racing to the finish line with an egg balanced on a spoon so much? Whatever the reason, this is one race that will guarantee plenty of laughter and smiles!
For ages: 3 – 8 years.
Hula Hoop Race
Older children will relish the challenge of racing up to a hula-hoop, stepping inside it and then lifting it up and over their head before moving on to the next four hula-hoops to do the same thing.
For ages: 7 – 8 years.
Hurdles Race
In this race the children combine their enjoyment of running with their love of jumping. As the children race to the finish line they have to jump over the four hurdles in front of them one by one.
For ages: 3 – 8 years.

Over & Under Ball Race
A slightly more challenging version of the Ball Under Legs Race for older children. The children at the front of the line pass a ball over their head to the person behind them, who then passes it under their legs to the next person.
The children continue to pass the ball over and under until it reaches the back of the line. The children at the back then quickly race with the ball to the front of the line to start all over again!
For ages: 7 – 8 years.
Parachute Games
After the energetic excitement of all the sports day activities, the children will play a host of awesome back-to-back, props-based parachute games that will make them laugh out loud, as well as help them to develop their team working skills in a fun way!
From sending rockets high into the sky and creating cool umbrellas to hide under, to bouncing balls of various sizes on the parachute and diving under wiggly waves to find sunken treasure; the children will be completely engrossed from start to finish playing our classic and unique parachute games!
For ages: 3 – 8 years.
Rocket Launch
Why throw a ball as far as you can when you can throw a soft mini rocket complete with super-cool rocket fins instead? That’s exactly what we thought!
For ages: 3 – 8 years.
Sack Race
Could this be the funniest sports day race ever? We think so! The children jump into a sack and then, well… get jumping! Watch in amusement as the children jump like crazy kangaroos towards the finishing line whilst trying not to come out of their sack!
For ages: 3 – 8 years.
Sprint Running Race
The race of champions. Quite simply, the children run from the start line to the finish line as fast as they possibly can. No wonder it’s called the ultimate test of human endurance and speed… we may have just made that up!
For ages: 3 – 8 years.

Standing Long Jump
The children get to show off their best impression of a frog as they take a standing leap forward to try and jump further than any human (or frog) has ever jumped before… or just further than their friends!
For ages: 3 – 8 years.
Tug of War
The children hold one end of a Tug of War rope. They then pull the rope backwards in an attempt to drag the opposite team across a line. The team that pulls their opponents across the line wins!
For ages: 3 – 8 years.
Welly Wanging (throwing)
Welly Wanging is the quirky and hugely addictive sport of throwing a wellington boot as far as you can. No wonder they hold the World Welly Wanging Championship in Britain every year… honest!
For ages: 3 – 8 years.
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